Sunday, October 5, 2008

Unknown to most, hallucinogenic salvia is legal

Salvia divinorum a hallucinogenic leaf that is legal in most of the US that when the crushed leaves are smoked or chewed render a 5- to 20-minute hallucinogenic high. Salvia has been smoked for centuries by Mazatec Indians.
When chewed and kept in the mouth or smoked and held in the lungs briefly, salvia induces everything from a meditative calm to a hallucinatory state.
When purchased, sometimes via the Internet, the substance frequently comes with warnings: Don't take it and try to drive. Don't take it if you're pregnant or nursing. Don't mix it with other drugs.
Originally grown exclusively in Oaxaca, Mexico, salvia was cultivated by Mazatec shamans for spiritual healing purposes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For anyone interested in more details of the salvia divinorum experience, you might like Salvia Trip. Cheers!