Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Man with No Face

For the past 35 years, 51 year-old Jose Mestre, from Lisbon, has been losing his face to a massive growth, distorting it out of all recognition – and it's still growing.
The tumor on Jose's face is a vascular malformation, a collection of blood vessels that have expanded, producing a raised red area on the skin. Jose was born with a strawberry-colored birth mark on his upper lip; at puberty his face started growing, eventually smothering his lips, nose and one of his eyes. It's now about 33cm long and weighs around 3kg.
The Man with No Face meets the man behind the 'mask' and attempts to understand what it is like to have such an affliction. How does he cope with day to day life - with the stares, the ridicule and people taking photographs?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are there no doctors in Lisbon or all of Portugal that can do surgery??