Susanne Eman aims to balloon from 330 kg = 728 pounds to a record 730kg =1610 pounds – and beyond – by gorging on 20,000 calories a day.
The 32-year-old, who is a hit among fans of ‘super size big beautiful women’, said: ‘The bigger I get, the better I feel. I feel more confident and sexy. Why shouldn’t I push the limits and see how fat I can get and stay healthy? I’d love to find out if it’s humanly possible to reach a ton.’
The single mother of two, from Arizona , aims to hit her target weight in ten years.
She visits the supermarket once a month with sons Gabriel, 16 and Brendin, 12, and spends up to eight hours filling six trolleys.’ It’s like a full day's work,' she said.
She uses a motorized scooter, but astonishingly believes she can stay healthy.
'If I was to get sick, I've arranged for my sister to take care of my kids,' she said.
She is ‘playing Russian roulette with her life’, said GP Dr Patrick Flite.
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