Haley Wenthe’s mother died from breast cancer five years ago and Jessica Sheahon’s mom recently completed chemotherapy. So they set out to raise $10,000 during October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The shirts bear the phrase “Save 2nd Base” with a pair of baseballs over the wearers’ breasts. Officials said the shirts violate the district’s dress code, which bans clothing with an “implied indecent meaning.”
Can anyone explain what is indecent about that shirt? Is it because the two baseballs are cleverly located in the chest region of the shirt? If a dude wore that shirt to school I would almost guarantee it doesn’t get banned. This kind of shit really pisses me off. Here are two kids taking initiative to raise money for a great cause and some uptight AP puts the kibosh on it.
Climb on down from your high horse Linn Exline and let these kids have fun and raise money for a great cause.