Man wakes up at his own wakeAn 81-year old man in the small Chilean village of Angol shocked his grieving relatives by waking up in his coffin at his own wake.When Feliberto Carrasco's family members discovered his body limp and cold, they were convinced that the octogenarian's hour had come, so they immediately called a funeral home, not a doctor.Carrasco was dressed in his finest suit for the wake, and his relatives gathered to bid him a final farewell."I couldn't believe it. I thought I must be mistaken, and I shut my eyes," Carrasco's nephew Pedro said. When I opened them again, my uncle was looking at me. I started to cry and ran to get something to open up the coffin to get him out." The man who "rose from the dead" said he was not in any pain,
and only asked for a glass of water.Males are getting chest implants?
Pec implant surgery starts at about $7,000. There's a stigma attached to them -- the feeling that men who go that route are lazy or excessively vain -- but those who buy the implants contend that the psychological benefits are substantial.
» Article herePurse-Snatching Suspect: It Was An Accident, I'm Claustrophobic.
A theft suspect locked in the back of a patrol car kicked out the window, then told a deputy he was claustrophobic.
He also said a woman's purse accidentally wound up in his hands.
Click Here To Read MoreDriving naked, driver loses his g-friend and SUV.
A Seattle driver, Jan Peter Pawluskiewicz, 19, appeared in court Thursday. In that episode, a state trooper stopped a sport-utility vehicle about 1:20 a.m. he noticed the vehicle drifting across traffic lanes. When the trooper approached the couple inside, he found they both were naked and trying to stash an empty wine bottle.
The driver was charged with driving under the influence and reckless driving. Pawluskiewicz pleaded guilty to reduced charges of first- and second-degree negligent driving. King County District Court ordered 24 months of probation; a 90-day jail term, which was suspended; attendance at a DUI victims' panel; and fines that totaled $1,718.
His family presented documentation showing that his SUV has been donated to a charity. And, Jacke was told, the young man's girlfriend has left him."The price he paid at home was far greater than what he paid in court," said the judge.
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