Thursday, January 31, 2008

Top 7 Geek Panties (for girls)


7. The iPhone Panties: Maybe for a guy's birthday the girl says, "Wanna see what I got you for your birthday?" and pulls up her skirt to show him the iPhone! Brilliant!

6. The Password Protected Panties: Panties that are password protected. Only downside is you will have to change the password every time some one figures it out.

5. Bonus Stage Panties: I guess that implies you have to master all the beginner levels to be able to get to the bonus stage

4. Achievement Locked Panties: Guess you gotta try harder to unlock this achievement.
These must be the new "I have a headache" panties. When your girlfriend is wearing these it probably means you aren't getting any that night.

3. Space Invaders Panties: Too bad the bottoms look like grown up diapers.

2. Classic Nintendo Panties: Now here is a panty that is made for every girl who is a gamer at heart.

1. Mario Panties: The Top Geek Panty Is Mario Panties!


Anonymous said...

Space Invaders looks like for little girls.
First and last are my favorites

David420 said...

Where can I buy the super Mario thong ??