Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A photo of "Hannah Montana" star Miley Cyrus posing in the shower

Another day, another provocative pictorial series starring a scantily clad Miley Cyrus. The latest batch of photos featuring the 15-year old Billion Dollar Girl staging her own personal Playboy Jr. shoot has surfaced online, thanks to a hacker who claims he got a hold of everything on Miley’s iPhone.

Pics of the 15-year-old wearing a white T-shirt without any underwear surfaced on a web forum at the weekend, while others show Cyrus with her T-shirt rolled up underneath her breasts, revealing her stomach and pouting at the camera.
But now we have the pleasure of seeing the then-14 year old showering in a wet t-shirt, photographing her widely seen midriff and, in a highly anticipated step closer to actual kiddie porn, totally topless.

TimO said...
Now they call them 'hacked cell phones'
...in the old days we called them 'staged publicity events'
....Nothin' new here, kiddies....
She is turning into another Britney Spears.
All the young girls look at her has an idol,
and now at age 15 she is turning into a SLUT
Mad Izatie said...
And they say Rock music is a bad influence to kids...
I don't see Rock music turning underaged kids into porn stars.

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