Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dog's Tongue Gets Caught In Paper Shredder

Last week, an 8-year-old mixed-breed named Diamond was rushed to a veterinary clinic in Miami with an alarming injury.
"She had licked a paper shredder in the house that was set on automatic," said Dr. Marc Wosar of the Miami Veterinary Specialists.
The shredder grabbed onto Diamond's tongue and pulled it deeper into the sharp blades.
"I think it's a big potential risk in the house," Dr. Juan Sardinas said.
Fortunately, Diamond's owners were home and responded quickly.
They disconnected the head of the shredder and carried it, with the dog's tongue still stuck inside, to Miami Veterinary Specialists.
"We anesthetized her first, then reversed the shredder off the tongue and assessed the damage," said Wosar. "There were a lot of lacerations to the tongue as well as a lot of bite wounds. In her panic, she'd also bitten her tongue."
It took more than a 100 stitches to repair Diamond's tongue. A portion that was too severely damaged had to be removed, but doctors expect her to make a full recovery.
"She just won't have a perfectly round tongue. She'll have a little nick in it," said Wosar.
Veterinarians recommend confining or crating animals when you're not home to keep them away from anything that might cause harm.


Mad Izatie said...

Poor doggie!!!!! I hope it gets better! :( i cat-proof my flat as best i can and i get my flatmates to help me with it. this is why my garden is organic; i don't wan any chemicals that can harm my pet.

Anon Y. Mous said...

HA! I bet it licks the light sockets too.