Thursday, October 22, 2009

These things only happen in China

6-year-old girl has baffled medics after her skin apparently turned into boar hide.
Until just a few months ago she had just a small birthmark on her back.
But the hairy hide has grown and grown and now it covers Li Xiaoyuan's entire back and is starting to grow on her arms and face.
The schoolgirl, from Fengkai, southern China, is under near constant medical supervision as doctors try to work out what's wrong.
Her dad Li Yan said: "Doctors told us it was just a birthmark even when it started spreading but now it covers half her body.
"None of the other children want to play with her – they are really mean."
Mum Li Jiang added: "It breaks our hearts to see her suffer like this."
Surgeon Dr Lou Zhongquan believes the youngster may be suffering from a rare hereditary disease that has sent normal moles out of control.



Gadgets said...

that skin cancer

Johnathan T. said...

"Poor little girl. I couldn't imagine going through my childhood with something like that. Kids will relentlessly pick on her over that. They are like sharks in the water, and they can smell the blood here. I suppose it is too much to hope this is photoshop?"

Andres said...

"Uh, yeah, it's not boar hide. I'd take her to a qualified dermatologist stat."

Leah Smith said...

"that is crazy!!

Mari D. said...

"Oh wow, that's so strange. I hope they can find out what is causing this. Poor little girl."

Satya Prakash said...

"so bad"

Traveling Cat said...

"GROSS!!! Feel VERY sorry for her."

Graham Johnson said...

"Holy mackarel... thats unfortunate. On a lighter note Looks a little like some of the guys I see on the beach.. razor alert!!"